API Reference

Retrieve all activity of a NFT collection by a given object type.


The NFT Collection Activity API on Sui is currently exclusively available to Pro Members. However, non-Pro members can also enjoy a trial period with an allocation of 300 free calls. If you're interested, please register directly through here. Please note that the API Key can also be used for your RPC endpoint.


  • objectType, string - the object type supplied for getting holders of an NFT collection.
  • eventType, string - the returned data will be filtered by event types using this array of strings. Supports "ListingCreate, ListingClosed, BidCreate, BidClosed, Sale”.
  • startTime, integer - the event startTime for this nft .
  • endTime, integer - the event endTime for this nft.
  • pageSize, integer - the number of records showing on each page. 20 by default and up to 50.
  • pageIndex, integer - the index of the page to retrieve. The first page is typically indexed as 1, and subsequent pages are numbered incrementally.


  • data - an array of NFT collection holder objects. An empty array will be returned if there are no holders.
    • txDigest, string - the txDigest of sui event .
    • eventSeq, string - the eventSeq of sui event.
    • objectId, string - the object Id of an NFT.
    • eventType, string - the event type of an event.
    • eventFunc, string - the sui package's moudle of an func.
    • marketPlace, string - the sui nft marketplace.
    • from, string - the from user address.
    • to, string - the to user address.
    • price, string - the event order price.
    • ftType, string - the event order payment coin type.
    • timestampMs, int - the event time.
  • nextPageIndex, integer - the index of the next page to retrieve. Current page index will be returned if the last page is reached.
  • total, integer - the count of reseult.

For higher throughput, create your own API key.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!