API Reference

Gets all NFTs currently owned by a given address on Sui Network.


Supported on Sui Mainnet.


The Account NFTs API on Sui is currently exclusively available to Pro Members. However, non-Pro members can also enjoy a trial period with an allocation of 300 free calls. If you're interested, please register directly through here. Please note that the API Key can also be used for your RPC endpoint.


  • account, string- a 32 Byte address with '0x' as prefix. The address to search for the nft holdings.
  • type, string- optional, 'kiosk', returns the kiosk NFTs held by the account. By default, non-kiosk NFTs are returned.
  • pageIndex,integer- optional. The index of the page to retrieve. The first page is typically indexed as 1, and subsequent pages are numbered incrementally.
  • pageSize,integer- optional. The number of records showing on each page. 20 by default and up to 50.


  • objectId, string - the Object ID for the NFT.
  • name, string - the name of the NFT returned from its metadata.
  • image, string - the image url of the NFT returned from its metadata.
  • description, integer - the description of the NFT returned from its metadata..
  • collection, string - the Object Type or Collection Type for the NFT. (e.g., the Collection Type of the SuiFrens:Capy is 0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1::suifrens::SuiFren<0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1::capy::Capy>)
  • lastPrice, boolean - the last sale price of the NFT on the marketplace, measured in MIST.
  • kioskId, string - the object id of the kiosk where the NFT is stored. If it's non-Kiosk, it returns empty.
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