API Reference

Retrieve Account NFTs

Returns all non-fungible tokens currently held by any given address on the Monad Testnet.


Supported on Monad Testnet.


The Account NFT API on Monad is currently available to our paid Members. Free tier members can also enjoy a trial period with 30 free calls. If you're interested, please register directly through here. Please note that the API Key can also be used for your RPC endpoint.


  • address, string - a 42 character address with '0x' as prefix. The wallet address to check for NFTs.
  • pageIndex, int32 - the page number to retrieve. Defaults to 1. Returns a fixed number of 5 collections per page.


  • code, number - response status code, e.g., 0 for success.
  • reason, string - reason message if there's an error.
  • message, string - response message, e.g., OK.
  • result, object - result object containing NFT data.
    • data, array object - an array of NFT collection objects owned by the wallet.
      • contractAddress, string - the address of the NFT collection contract.
      • verified, boolean - whether the collection is verified.
      • name, string - the name of the NFT collection.
      • image, string - URL to the collection's image.
      • ercStandard, string - the ERC standard of the NFT collection (e.g., ERC721, ERC1155).
      • items, array object - an array of NFT items in the collection owned by the wallet.
        • name, string - the name of the NFT item.
        • contractAddress, string - the contract address of the NFT collection.
        • tokenId, string - the unique identifier of the NFT item within the collection.
        • image, string - URL to the NFT item's image.
        • qty, string - the quantity owned of this NFT (typically "1" for ERC721, can be more for ERC1155).
    • total, number - the total number of NFTs owned by the wallet
    • collectionTotal, number - the total number of NFT collections owned by the wallet
    • verifiedTotal, number - the total number of verified NFTs owned by the wallet
    • unknownTotal, number - the total number of unverified NFTs owned by the wallet
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