API Reference

Return account‘s DeFi portfolio with any given top protocols on Sui Network


Supported on Sui Mainnet.


The Account's DeFi Portfolio API on Sui is an enterprise API. If you're interested, please contact us through email.


  • address, string - a 32 Byte address with '0x' as prefix. The address to search for the account.
  • protocol, string - DeFi protocol (optional, currently support "Bluefin AMM", "Aftermath AMM" , "BlueMove DEX", "Cetus Protocol", "FlowX Finance", "NAVI Lending", "Scallop", "Kriya", "Turbos Finance").


Cetus Protocol

  • data,array object - an array of the cetus portfolio at a given account. An empty array will be returned if there are no data.
    • balanceA,string - the amount of the coin A in coin pair A-B, e.g.,1855501139.
    • balanceB,string - the amount of the coin B in coin pair A-B, e.g.,233270177.
    • coinTypeA,string - unique cointype of a coin A with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS.
    • coinTypeADecimals,int - decimal from coin A, e.g., 9.
    • coinTypeB,string - unique coin type B of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI.
    • coinTypeBDecimals,int - decimal from the coin B, e.g., 9.
    • image_url,string - the image url of the position NFT, e.g., https://rlhocppeadjdlq7i4f62o3bsehbfe6ar4yynuookcyefitrqtnza.arweave.net/is7hPeQA0jXD6OF9p2wyIcJSeBHmMNo5yhYIVE4wm3I
    • name,string - the name of the LP Position, e.g.,Cetus LP | Pool17-553368
    • pool,string - the object ID of the Liquidity Pool, e.g., 0x2e041f3fd93646dcc877f783c1f2b7fa62d30271bdef1f21ef002cebf857bded.
    • position,string - the object ID of this position at this Liquidity Pool for this given account, e.g., 0x11e8e47326191cb059bdecd2d49037feb7d5e3831120a575666bd38e7dd625e3
    • rewards,array object
      • amount_owed - the amount of the reward coin, e.g.,19.
      • coinType,string - the cointype of the reward coin, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS.
      • coin_address,string - the address of the coin, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS
      • decimals,int -the decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
    • type,string - Assets in cetus,e.g.,Liquidity Pool
    • fees,array object
      • feeOwedA,string reward owed by coin A in hex format without 0x prefix, e.g.,2773a1
      • feeOwedB,string reward owed by coin B in hex format without 0x prefix , e.g.,2773a1
      • position_id,string - the object ID of this position at this Liquidity Pool for this given account, e.g.,0x11e8e47326191cb059bdecd2d49037feb7d5e3831120a575666bd38e7dd625e3.


  • turbos
    • liquidity,array object
      • coinAAmount,string - amount of the coin A without decimal, e.g. 11486691481949’.
      • coinAType,string - cointype of the coin A, e.g., 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI.
      • coinBAmount,string - amount of the coin B without decimal, e.g. 136046180918
      • coinBType,string - cointype of the coin B.
      • fees,object - the fee serves as a reward earned by LPs reflect their contribution to the liquidity provision
        • coinA,object
          • decimals,int - decimal eturn from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
          • description,string - description of coin A.
          • iconUrl,string - icon url of coin A.
          • id,string - object id of coin A balance.
          • name,string - name of coin A.
          • symbol,string - symbol of coin A .(e.g., CETUS)
        • coinB,object
          • decimals,int - decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
          • description,string - description of coin B.
          • iconUrl,string - icon url of coin B.
          • id,string - object id of this coin B balance.
          • name, string` - name of coin B.
          • symbol,string - symbol of coin B.
        • coinTypeA,string - cointype of coin A.
        • coinTypeB,string - cointype of coin B, e.g., 0x2::sui::SUI
        • feeOwedA,string - amount of fees owed in Coin A.
        • feeOwedB,string - amount of fees owed in Coin B.
        • unclaimedFeeAUsdPrice,string- USD worth of the unclaimed fees for Coin A.
        • unclaimedFeeBUsdPrice,string- USD worth of the unclaimed fees for Coin B.
      • positionID,string - the object ID of this position in this Liquidity Pool with this given account.
      • rewards,object
        • coinUnclaimedRewards,array object
          • coinType,string -the cointype of the coin.
          • price,float - the price of coin in usd, e.g., 0.002679024756822331.
          • unclaimedRewards,string - amount of unclaimed reward with decimals.
        • unclaimedRewardsUSD,string - unclaimed rewards in usd with decimals.


  • kriya
    • lps,array object
      • poolId,string - object ID of the Liquidity Pool.
      • tokenXBalance,float - the balance with decimals of token X (pair X-Y) on this position at this given account.
      • tokenXType,string -the cointype of token X (pair X-Y).
      • tokenYBalance,float - the balance with decimals of token Y (pair X-Y) on this position at this given account.
      • tokenYType,string - the cointype of the token Y (pair X-Y).
    • stakes,array object
      • tokenXBalance ,float - the balance with decimals of token X in this liquidity providers tokens (X-Y) at this given account.
      • tokenYBalance,float - the balance with decimals of token Y in this liquidity providers tokens (X-Y) at this given account.
      • object_id,string object ID of the staking liquidity provider tokens.
      • poolId, string - the object ID of this liquidity pool
      • tokenXType string the cointype of token X (pair X-Y).
      • tokenYType string the cointype of the token Y (pair X-Y).
      • lock_until string timestamp string of the time when the staked liquidity will be available to be unstaked.
      • rewards float The amount of rewards with decimals, earned from staking liquidity providers token.


  • flowx
    • faas,array object
      • coinX, object
        • type, string - Cointype of coin X, e.g., "0x76cb819b01abed502bee8a702b4c2d547532c12f25001c9dea795a5e631c26f1::fud::FUD".
        • symbol, string - Symbol of the coin X, e.g., "FUD".
        • iconUrl, string - URL to the icon image of the coin X.
        • description, string - Description of the coin X, e.g., "The community coin of Sui".
        • decimals, int - The coin X's decimal, e.g., 5.
        • derivedSUI, string - Value of the coin X derived in SUI, e.g., "0.0029639738".
        • derivedPriceInUSD, string - USD price derived for the coin X, e.g., "3.097794703013696e-7".
        • name, string - Coin X's name, e.g., "FUD".
        • isVerified, boolean - Indicates whether the coin is verified, true or false.
      • coinY, object
        • type, string - Cointype of coin Y, e.g., "0xc060006111016b8a020ad5b33834984a437aaa7d3c74c18e09a95d48aceab08c:🪙:COIN".
        • symbol, string - Symbol of the coin, e.g., 'wUSDT'.
        • iconUrl, string - URL to the icon image of the coin Y.
        • description, string - Description of the coin Y.
        • decimals, int - The coin Y's decimal, e.g., 6.
        • derivedSUI, string - Value of the coin derived in SUI, e.g., "950.6436323900".
        • derivedPriceInUSD, string - USD price derived for the coin, e.g., "1".
        • name, string - Coin Y's name, e.g., "Tether USD".
        • isVerified, boolean - Indicates whether the coin is verified, true or false.
      • coinXBalance, float - Balance of coinX without decimals in the liquidity pool, e.g., 5422718059.957986.
      • coinYBalance, float - Balance of coinY without decimals in the liquidity pool, e.g., 17297.724403736138.
      • userReward, array object
        • token, object
          • type, string coin type string
          • symbol, string coin symbol e.g: 'SUI'
          • iconUrl, string URL to the icon image of reward coin.
          • description, string description of the coin
          • decimals, int decimal of reward coin
          • derivedSUI, string worth in of reward coin derived to SUI in format of float string
          • derivedPriceInUSD, string worth of reward coin derived to USD in format of float string
          • name, string, name of the reward coin, e.g: 'Sui'
          • isVerified,bool represent coinType has been verified or not
        • amount, string amount of the reward coin
      • usdvalue, float- the USD value of the liquidity provider token
  • liquidity, array object
    • coinX, object
      • type, string - Cointype of coin X, e.g., "0x76cb819b01abed502bee8a702b4c2d547532c12f25001c9dea795a5e631c26f1::fud::FUD".
      • symbol, string - Symbol of the coin X, e.g., "FUD".
      • iconUrl, string - URL to the icon image of the coin X.
      • description, string - Description of the coin X, e.g., "The community coin of Sui".
      • decimals, int - The coin X's decimal, e.g., 5.
      • derivedSUI, string - Value of the coin X derived in SUI, e.g., "0.0029639738".
      • derivedPriceInUSD, string - USD price derived for the coin X, e.g., "3.097794703013696e-7".
      • name, string - Coin X's name, e.g., "FUD".
      • isVerified, boolean - Indicates whether the coin is verified, true or false.
    • coinY, object
      • type, string - Cointype of coin Y, e.g., "0xc060006111016b8a020ad5b33834984a437aaa7d3c74c18e09a95d48aceab08c:🪙:COIN".
      • symbol, string - Symbol of the coin, e.g., 'wUSDT'.
      • iconUrl, string - URL to the icon image of the coin Y.
      • description, string - Description of the coin Y.
      • decimals, int - The coin Y's decimal, e.g., 6.
      • derivedSUI, string - Value of the coin derived in SUI, e.g., "950.6436323900".
      • derivedPriceInUSD, string - USD price derived for the coin, e.g., "1".
      • name, string - Coin Y's name, e.g., "Tether USD".
      • isVerified, boolean - Indicates whether the coin is verified, true or false.
    • coinXBalance, float - Balance of coinX without decimals in the liquidity pool, e.g., 5422718059.957986.
    • coinYBalance, float - Balance of coinY without decimals in the liquidity pool, e.g., 17297.724403736138.

NAVI Protocol

  • navi -an array of the navi portfolio at a given account. An empty array will be returned if there are no data.
    • balance,int - the amount of the respective coin without decimals, supplied or borrowed by this provided account.
    • coinType,string - the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix , e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS.
    • decimal, string - the decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
    • symbol, string - the symbol return from the coin's metadata, e.g., SUI.
    • type,string - The investment type on NAVI protocol on this coin, e.g.,Supply, Borrow


  • scallop
    • debts,array object
      • coinName string the coin name, 'cetus'
      • coinType string the cointype of the coin, with '0x' as prefix , e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS.
      • symbol string the coin symbol, e.g., CETUS
      • coinDecimal int the decimal of this coin, e.g.,9.
      • borrowedAmount int represents the borrowed amount in the standard unit of the coin.
        • rewards array object
          • coinName reward coin's name
          • coinType string the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS
          • symbol string coin symbol
          • coinDecimal intthe decimal of the reward coin
          • availableClaimAmount float represents the available claim amount in the smallest unit of the reward coin.
          • availableClaimCoin float represents the available claim amount in the standard unit of the reward coin.
          • boostValue int indicates any boost or multiplier applied to the reward.
    • collaterals,array object
      • coinDecimal,int - the decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
      • coinName,string - the name of the coin
      • coinType,string - the cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS.
      • depositedAmount,int - the amount of the coin deposited into Scallop
      • depositedCoin,float - the num of the coin into Scallop.
      • symbol,symbol - the symbol return from metadata of the coin.(e.g., CETUS)
    • lendings,array object
      • availableClaimAmount,int - claimable amount of the reward coin
      • availableClaimCoin,int - cointype of rewards
      • coinDecimal,int - the decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
      • coinName,int - the name of the coin
      • coinType,string - the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS
      • marketCoinType,string - structed string that represents a market-related coin or asset within the DeFi protocol.
      • suppliedAmount,float - supplied amount
      • suppliedCoin,float - supplied amount in unit of coin
      • symbol,string - the symbol return from metadata of the coin.(e.g., CETUS)


  • suilend
    • borrowedAssets,array object
    • netValueUsd,string - USD worth of lending.
    • totalBorrow,string - amount with decimals of total borrowed coin.
    • totalBorrowUsd,string - USD worth of total borrowed coin.
    • totalSupply,string - amount with decimals of total supply.
    • totalSupplyUsd,string - the USD worth of total supply.
    • depositedAssets,array object
      • amount, string - coin amount, e.g., -34980000000.
      • amountUsd,string - the USD value of the coin amount, e.g.,200.1
      • coinType,string - the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS
      • iconUrl,string - the icon url from the coin's metadata, e.g.,https://imagedelivery.net/cBNDGgkrsEA-b_ixIp9SkQ/sui.svg/public.
      • mintDecimals,string - decimal of the supply coin, e.g., 9.
      • price,string - current price of the supply coin in USD (e.g., 1.034).
      • symbol,string- symbol of the coin.(e.g., CETUS)


  • aftermath
    • netUSDValue,float - USD worth of the all investment types.
    • farmPositions,array object
      • USDValue,string - the USD value of the position, including liquidity provider token and the rewards.
      • stakeAmountCoin,string- the amount of the staked LP tokens with decimals
      • stakeCoinSymbol,string - the symbol return from metadata of the liquidity provider token, e.g.,AF_LP_SUI/U.
      • stakeCoinType,string - the unique cointype of the LP token with '0x' as prefix, e.g., 0x5bb54b3a9d30e890eca8098832d2d4927abd47d466c73bed72d0dc5251660b2e::af_lp::AF_LP.
      • stakeCoinUSD,string - the USD value of the stake LP.
      • stakeCoinUrl,string - the icon url return from the LP token's metadata, e.g.,https://imagedelivery.net/cBNDGgkrsEA-b_ixIp9SkQ/sui.svg/public.
      • stakedAmount,string- the amount of the staked LP tokens without decimals.
      • rewardCoins,array object
        • coinType,string - the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g.,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI
        • rewardAmount,string- the amount of the rewarded coin without decimal, e.g.114573522
        • rewardCoinDecimals,int - the decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
        • rewardCoinSymbol,string - the symbol return from metadata of the coin, e.g., SUI
        • rewardCoinUSD,string - the USD value of the reward coin, e.g., 0.1180884386623142.
        • rewardCoinUrl,string - the icon url return from the coin's metadata, e.g.,https://imagedelivery.net/cBNDGgkrsEA-b_ixIp9SkQ/sui.svg/public.
        • stakeAmountCoin,string- the amount of the rewarded coin with decimal, e.g., 0.114573522.
    • lpPositions,array object
      • USDValue,string - the USD value of the LP position.
      • coins,array object
        • amount,float - amount of coin without decimals, e.g.,248757114.9146805.
        • amountCoin,float amount of coin with decimals, e.g. 0.2487571149146805
        • coinType,string - the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix, e.g.,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI
        • coinUSD,float - USD worth of the coin, e.g.,0.2563885511559686.
        • coinUrl,string - icon url return from the coin's metadata, e.g.,https://imagedelivery.net/cBNDGgkrsEA-b_ixIp9SkQ/sui.svg/public.
        • decimals,int - the coin's decimal, e.g., 9.
        • symbol,string - symbol of the coin.e.g., SUI.

Bucket Protocol

  • bucket

    • bottles,array object

      • bottles, array object

        • token, string - Symbol of the token, e.g., "vSUI".

        • collateralAmount, string - Amount of collateral provided, represented as a string to accommodate large numbers.

        • buckAmount, string - Amount of BUCK tokens associated with the collateral, represented as a string to accommodate large numbers.

        • startUnit, int - The starting unit or position, e.g., 0.

        • debtAmount, int - Amount of debt associated with the collateral, e.g., 0.

        • coinType, string - Unique type string representing the coin, e.g., "0x549e8b69270defbfafd4f94e17ec44cdbdd99820b33bda2278dea3b9a32d3f55::cert::CERT".

        • coinDecimals, int - Number of decimal places the coin can be divided into, e.g., 9.

        • borrowReward, string - Amount of borrowing reward earned, represented as a string to accommodate large numbers, e.g., "0".

    • fountains,array object

    • sBuck, array object

      • sBuckStakedAmount, int - Amount of sBuck tokens staked without decimals, e.g., 64006211994.
      • sBuckReward, float - Amount of Sui token earned from staking sBuck without decimals, e.g., 2616050.114536221.
    • tanks,array object

      • coinType,string - the unique cointype of a coin with '0x' as prefix (e.g., 0x06864a6f921804860930db6ddbe2e16acdf8504495ea7481637a1c8b9a8fe54b::cetus::CETUS)
      • name,string - coin symbol
      • totalBUCK,float - total amount of the token that is currently in circulation or in used.
      • totalEarned,float- total earned amount by defi operation.

Typus Finance

  • typus
    • depositRes, array object
      • vault, string - Name of the vault where the deposit is made, e.g., "SUI-Hourly-CappedPut".
      • depositToken, string - Unique token type string representing the deposited token, e.g., "5d4b302506645c37ff133b98c4b50a5ae14841659738d6d733d59d0d217a93bf:🪙:COIN".
      • depositAsset, string - Symbol of the deposited asset, e.g., "USDC".
      • balance, float - Balance of the deposited asset, e.g., 170.299474.
      • rewardsToken, string - Unique token type string representing the rewards token, e.g., "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI".
      • rewardsAsset, string - Symbol of the rewards asset, e.g., "SUI".
      • rewards, float - Amount of rewards earned, e.g., 0.093060715.
      • incentiveToken, string - Unique token type string representing the incentive token.
      • incentiveRewards, float - Amount of incentive rewards earned, e.g., 0.
    • rebateRes,array object
      • token, string - unique toke type string
      • asset, string - token symbol
      • amount, float - amount of coin
      • decimal, int - decimal param, which determines the number of decimal places the token can be divided into, e.g., 9.
    • userBids, array object
      • vaultIndex, string - Index of the vault where the bid is placed.
      • auctionName, string - Name of the auction, e.g., "SUI Daily Call Spread".
      • expiry, string - Expiry date and time of the auction, e.g., "28 May 24, 08:00".
      • strikes, array - Array of strike prices for the options, e.g., ["1.039", "1.052"].
      • bidSize, object
        • value, string - Size of the bid in terms of the token amount.
        • token, string - Unique token type string representing the token, e.g., "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI".
      • breakEvenPrice, string - The break-even price for the bid.
      • settlePrice, string - The settlement price for the auction.
      • estPnls, array object - Estimated profit and loss for the bid.
        • value, string - Estimated PnL value.
        • token, string - Unique token type string representing the token, e.g., "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002::sui::SUI".
      • isAutoBid, boolean - Indicates whether the bid is an automatic bid, true or false.
      • receiptsId, array - Array of receipt IDs associated with the bid.
      • receiptsVid, array - Array of receipt verification IDs associated with the bid.
      • optionTypeOrder, int - Order type for the option, indicating the type of option (e.g., call, put).
      • periodOrder, int - Order of the period within the auction cycle.
      • tokenOrder, int - Order of the token type within the bid context.

Sui Staking

  • suistake
    • netUSDValue,string - the USD value of the all staking amount with rewards.
    • stakes,array object
      • apy,string - the annual percentage yield of staking.
      • estimatedRewardAmount,string - the amount of the estimated reward coin without decimal.
      • estimatedRewardUSDValue,string - the USD value of the estimated reward coin.
      • stakeAmount,string - the amount of the staking coin without decimals.
      • stakeUSDValue,string - the USD value of the stake coin.
      • validatorAddress,string - the address of the validator.
      • validatorImage,string - avatar url of the validator.
      • validatorName,string - the name of the validator.
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