API Reference

Retrieve Account Activity

Return the historical activity of an account without the need to scan the entire blockchain.


Supported on Sui Mainnet.


The Account's Activity API on Sui is currently available to our Pro Members. Non-Pro members can also enjoy a trial period with an allocation of 300 free calls. If you're interested, please register directly through here. Please note that the API Key can also be used for your RPC endpoint.


  • address, string - a 32 Byte address with '0x' as prefix. The address to search for the account.
  • protocol, string - DeFi protocol (currently support all project package in SuiVision). Once this parameter is specified, it will only return activities from the most recent month.
  • packageIds, string - package address, if you have more than one, separate them with comma,. The maximum is 10 packages per call. Once this parameter is specified, it will only return activities from the most recent month.
  • cursor, string - next page cursor.


  • data - an array of the specified On-Chain activity detail. An empty array will be returned if there are no data.
    • digest, string - transaction block digest associated with the particular activity. For example, '2vgT6cCmkbFqpYyaT6NisPmoWWG1KVQSZU2wZhztbeYQ'.
    • type, string - transaction type, such as 'AddLiqudity', 'Transfer', 'Swap',and etc.
    • gasFee, string - transaction fee, measured in MIST.
    • status, string - transaction status, either success or fail.
    • sender, string - transaction sender.
    • timestampMs, integer - the time when this transaction block is validated, measured in milliseconds, , e.g.,1687635197434.
    • interactAddresses, array object- the package or account that the transaction sender interacted in this transaction.
      • address, string - the package ID or an account address.
      • type, string - the address type, package or account.
      • name, string - the project name associated with the package or the account.
      • logo, string - the project logo.
    • coinChanges, array object - an array of the Coin change of the holders.
      • amount, string - coin change amount, e.g., -34980000000.
      • coinAddress, string - coinType, e.g.,0x2::sui::SUI.
      • symbol, string - the symbol return from the coin's metadata, e.g., SUI.
      • decimal, string - the decimal return from the coin's metadata, e.g., 9.
      • logo, string - the icon url return from the coin's metadata, e.g.,https://imagedelivery.net/cBNDGgkrsEA-b_ixIp9SkQ/sui.svg/public.
    • nftChanges, array object an array of the NFT change of the holders.
      • objectId, string - the Object ID for the NFT. , e.g., 0xc255c7e8a0c4aabaec79cfce3eb184164ff0803b1c86ce60ed32bffe354cc4c0
      • objectType, string - the Object Type or Collection Type for the NFT, e.g., 0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1::suifrens::SuiFren\<0xee496a0cc04d06a345982ba6697c90c619020de9e274408c7819f787ff66e1a1::capy::Capy>)
      • marketPlace, string ,the relative marketplace where the transaction is initiated, including HyperSpace, BlueMove, Clutchy, TradePort, Tocen, Keepsake and Souffl3.
      • imageURL, string - the image url of the NFT returned from its metadata.
      • name, string- the name of the NFT returned from its metadata.
      • packageId, string the package id associated with the particular activity. Taking the transaction digest mentioned above, the associated package is 0x80d114c5d474eabc2eb2fcd1a0903f1eb5b5096a8dc4184d72453f7a9be728e4.
      • amount, string - the trading amount of this NFT.
      • price, string- the last sale price of the NFT on the marketplace, measured in MIST.
  • nextPageCursor, integer - the index of the next page to retrieve. Current page index will be returned if the last page is reached.
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